I don't always have a plan about what I'll write in these posts. Usually an article inspires me or something eventful happens and I can relate it directly back to what I am eating (or not eating) at the time. And sometimes, like most recently, I'll have a random breakthrough about what the meaning of life is. This time it came to me in yoga when I was desperately trying to get deeper in my crescent lunge.
Randomly this thought came into my head: This life is not about feeling comfortable or constant. Perplexed, I thought how most of the personal efforts in my life have been to make myself feel more comfortable: stay at the same university for graduate school because I know the area and it just makes sense, or in this case eliminate sugar to reduce uncomfortable cravings. I'm not saying my efforts aren't valid or smart, or make sense, I'm just realizing that these efforts have been mainly practiced to keep a homeostasis. And though science may argue that the body wants to be in a state of constant homeostasis, the heart craves change and periods of instability. That's how we grow. What is life if we constantly deal with the same challenges over and over? It's boring. At least I think so.
So in my effort to stabilize my mood, sugar, cravings, weight, I had to change something to stabilize something else. That means, change is inevitable. And I need to welcome it instead of resist it.
So yes, my 21 day sugar detox is over... it ended on January 21st. But it still sticks even now as the middle of February approaches. Maybe thats because changing back into old habits takes more effort than sticking with new changes. And instead of being overwhelmed, I've welcomed even more changes into my life. I am starting a Crossfit foundations course on March 2nd and I have welcomed a new relationship into my life that I truly believe will lead to the betterment of myself.
The 21 Day Sugar Detox wasn't just a way to change physically and mentally, it was a catalyst for other changes that my heart wanted but was scared to make. Like they say, "your journey starts with one step".
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