Saturday, January 5, 2013

21 Days Without Sugar: Part I

We all do it. Even if you don't think you do, you probably do. Numb yourself, I mean. Try to desensitize your body's deepest feelings and desires- with alcohol, drugs, sex, sugar. And, ok, I'm not saying its a big deal if you have a teaspoon of sugar in your coffee everyday or a cookie before bed time. I'm all about moderation. In fact, I think moderation in all aspects of life is key. 

That was dramatic. 

Anyway, by eliminating sugar my hope was to dispel a feeling that I have always dealt with.
Only time will tell. 

It's day 5. I've felt... okay. My head hurts in the morning and I feel like I need a little something after meals. But I breathe through it and the craving subsides.
I will be posting my progress. 

But this post isn't about moderation it's about elimination. Because every now and then we need to completely ELIMINATE some things from our lives. For a time or forever.  I certainly feel like something's are not worth keeping around. 

This is why I decided to do Diane Sanfilippo's 21 Day Sugar Detox. Admittedly, I can think of other things I should probably eliminate. My Facebook. My inordinate amount of shoes. You get the point. But sugar is a good starting place, right? I mean studies show it's linked to diabetes... And death. 

It's called being "HANGRY" 

Hungry and Angry. 

My mother can attest to this. When I get hungry you know it. My face tightens, my brow furrows, and I become very quiet. I get HANGRY!!! 

In my quest for perfect health (impossible, I know) I wanted to completely eliminate all forms of sugar and see what would happen. Would my blood sugar normalize? Could I skip a meal and those around me wouldn't fear for their lives? Could I end my obsessive Orbit habit? 


  1. I haven't eaten sugar in 10 years! I feel amazing, don't miss sugar AT ALL and advocate a sugar free life to EVERYONE! :) I hope you continue on this plan even after the 21 days are up! There are so many naturally sweet foods (ahem, butternut squash)... So why eat sugar!

    How many packs of Orbit gum do you chew? And... PS: It's sugar free, lol... Yes Aspartame is a POS but in my mind... ITS FAR BETTER than sugar!!

  2. Gigi!!! Thanks so much for you comment. I love your blog and think you are adorable! I'm pretty sure I will stay off sugar forever.... with the exception of unbleached stevia!

    Lol... If I buy a pack of orbit.... it gone by the time the day is over! Pack a day... haha

    The problem is... sugar or sugar free... still causes my to gain weight I think...

  3. I found that elimination didn't work by itself. Nature abhors a vacuum. I needed to get all 90 essential nutrients which I learned the hard way was impossible with food alone. Now that I have a source for guaranteeing that my nutritional requirements are actually met daily and healed my digestion enough to absorb the nutrients I'm filling up with, I don't even want sugar. Easy, shmeasy but very different from when I was malnourished. :)
