Sunday, October 24, 2010

Coffee Confusion

I love coffee. I grew up drinking cafe con leche nearly every morning. For those who don't know what that is, it is steamed milk with espresso. It's also called Cuban Coffee. My dad is of Cuban decent so it's always been a morning staple.

Anyway, last year when I swore off regular coffee thinking it was going to kill me, my mornings were less enjoyable. As you all know, I am a huge fan of moderation is all things and honestly I could not take the hum drum of my mornings with out my steamy, sugary, cup of joe.

Since I do not have time, nor patience, in the mornings to steam milk and pack an espresso machine, I broke down and bought a mini GE four cup coffee maker for 20 bucks at Wal Mart. I was so excited about my new buy. It had a program button AND a reusable filter. Not only was it "green" but I now could wake up to the sound of the coffee maker clicking on. Really though, the first morning I heard the automatic drip, I felt like I was in a Folger's commercial.

Still, I am dissatisfied. I just can't get my coffee to taste right. I started off drinking de-caf so I wouldn't be bouncing off walls by 9 AM but it seriously has NO FLAVOR. I switched trying numerous brands, disposable filters, more coffee less water, different creamers. Blah, blah, blah... too watery, too strong, too bitter...

Will I ever get it right?!?!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Kitchen Schizophrenia

Long time, no write....

Okay, that is a bit of an understatement. It has been MONTHS since I've written. So, I have decided to label myself as The Kitchen Schizophrenic. I went from bolgging nearly twice a week to blogging.... NEVER. A bit unacceptable, I know. BUT, let me explain.

Over the summer I was a Resident Assistant which meant I had no kitchen. Can you imagine being a full time babysitter with out having merely a POT to stand over and de-stress. That is a mistake I'll never make again.

When the Fall semester began, I started going to my cousins three times a week to tutor her kids. She lives with her parents who cook nearly everyday. Did I also mention that they are completely Italian. That means Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I am basically force fed. Not that I'm complaining... Eating is just about my favorite thing to do.

On top of that I have a roommate who MUST eat every three hours. She is training for a fitness competition which means my fridge is stuffed with bland turkey burgers and steamed cauliflower (yuck) leaving me no room to store anything.

That said, I must admit that I have been having serious cooking withdrawals. There is just something that excites me about preparing my own food... making something just for me. I had just about had it with canned tuna so tonight I made myself pork tenderloin in a white wine, dijon mustard, garlic, and butter sauce, roasted asparagus, and huge baked potato.

I cooked and drank wine... my mind was quiet and life was good.