Monday, January 14, 2013

21 Days Without Sugar, Part 2: I Met a Man For Coffee and Had a Revelation

Yesterday, I met a man for a coffee date and since the conversation was boring and the coffee was lackluster, I was staring at this man's mouth move while simultaneously listening to every other persons conversation in the cafe. 

The lady behind the counter, who I'm guessing was the owner of this establishment, was talking to the other barista about how she no longer takes any sugar in her coffee. She went on to say that she was dismissing the sugar in her then sugary coffee like it didn't really count. And that she'd rather have sugar "where she could really see it, like in a pastry". And right then and there, she cut sugar out of her coffee. 

And then I realized, not less then a month ago, I couldn't imagine my coffee without sugar. 

And then I thought about that time over Christmas break where I tried Stevia at a friends house and even though it is supposedly a million and fifty times sweeter than sugar, I found myself adding like 3 more packets to make it taste the way I wanted. And it still didn't work. 

And just now I thought about how many coffee and sugar references I've made in these last two posts. And I'm sorry about that. And I'm also sorry for all the run on sentences. 

But back to this lady and her sugar revelation. What she was doing while referencing sugar, was referring to those little things that creep up on you. Those things that happen when something becomes so second nature to you that you don't even notice it. 

I realized this was me. With sugar. And with so many other things, I'm sure. So here I am again, realizing that food can lead me to the center of so many bigger issues. Like feelings. Like things you brush off your shoulder because you are just so used to feeling a certain way. 

I am on day 14 of my sugar detox. 7 days left. But I won't go back to sugar. I will go back to wine... and vodka. But not the white stuff. 

And since I know you are dying to know, I will not be going on another date with the man mentioned above. Even if his doppelganger was Tom Cruise. 


  1. Great revelation. I think many of us that try the sugar-free path (esp. paleo folks) come to this point eventually. Reinforcing sugar in small ways, even just a little sweetener in your tea, makes the path to recovery much longer and may prevent it entirely for some people.

    1. I am so with you Tasha! Thanks for the comment!

  2. I'm just jealous that this boring dude gets to have the pleasure of coffee with you. It's pretty tough to meet primal girls around here.

  3. Love it... I stopped using sweetner in my ooffee in october and never went back. this was for my first 21 day detox. haven't had a sugar free soda or any soda since then either.... small things.

  4. Yes! Yes. Great. It's amazing when you look back and realize how some things you thought you could never live without, you really don't need or miss at all.

    But wine, yes, I'll be eager to have a glass, too!
