Thursday, February 23, 2012

Italy and the Slow Food Movement

So much of what I believe in has to do with food and taking your time to cultivate, prepare, and eat it. If you know me, you know that I have to consistently work on the slow eating part. I'm basically a vacuum at meal time and honestly, I'm fast at a lot of what I do. But somehow, the Slow Food Movement intrigues me. It's motto is good, clean, and fair food. Let me first mention that I'm not a hippie, or a gardener (I actually have quite the brown thumb), or a food activist. I actually hate the thought of forcing ideas and believes on people. But here is what I am: someone who loves food and loves the taste of the freshest, highest quality products available. Call me a food snob if you must, but it behooves me to think that people do not actually care what goes into their bodies. People, "you are what you eat" is not just something a philosopher pulled out of his (or her) ass.

So what's Italy have to do with all this? Well, this is where Slow Food (and Slow Wine!) started.
It makes sense, doesn't it? The entire culture of Italy is based around the table, eating, and sharing together. That's the environment I grew up in and that's what I'd like to pass along to my children. In October when I start culinary school, (!!!!!!!!) I will be spending half of my time in Italy. I cannot wait to be in the center of this culinary mecca and I cannot wait to blog about it so you can live vicariously through me... c'mon, I know you want to!

Until next time, live an unhurried life... and start at the table.