Anyway, last year when I swore off regular coffee thinking it was going to kill me, my mornings were less enjoyable. As you all know, I am a huge fan of moderation is all things and honestly I could not take the hum drum of my mornings with out my steamy, sugary, cup of joe.
Since I do not have time, nor patience, in the mornings to steam milk and pack an espresso machine, I broke down and bought a mini GE four cup coffee maker for 20 bucks at Wal Mart. I was so excited about my new buy. It had a program button AND a reusable filter. Not only was it "green" but I now could wake up to the sound of the coffee maker clicking on. Really though, the first morning I heard the automatic drip, I felt like I was in a Folger's commercial.
Still, I am dissatisfied. I just can't get my coffee to taste right. I started off drinking de-caf so I wouldn't be bouncing off walls by 9 AM but it seriously has NO FLAVOR. I switched trying numerous brands, disposable filters, more coffee less water, different creamers. Blah, blah, blah... too watery, too strong, too bitter...
Will I ever get it right?!?!